19 03, 2014

7 Tips for Buying in a Competitive Market

By |2017-03-20T01:40:58+00:00March 19th, 2014|Categories: Home Buyer Tips|0 Comments

The market for freehold homes in Toronto is extremely competitive and has been for some time now. A lack of inventory and steady demand so far in 2014 has led to multiple offers on the majority of houses in and around downtown. This is very [...]

3 03, 2014

4 Tricks to getting your downpayment

By |2023-12-21T02:37:53+00:00March 3rd, 2014|Categories: Home Buyer Tips|0 Comments

For many first-time homebuyers, saving the 5 per cent downpayment is one of the big obstacles to home ownership, especially if you’re paying rent, paying down student loans, and trying to live a life. Here are some programs and tips that can give your [...]