Published On: October 2nd, 2014

First time home buyer? We’re here to help!

Mortgage rates are still very attractive, and it’s a great season to shop for a new home.  As a first time home buyer you probably have some good questions before you jump in to home ownership. How much downpayment do I need to save up? Is the best mortgage just the one at the lowest rate? Will I find a house I love at a price I can live with?  What financial benefits are available to me as a first time home buyer?

That’s good; this is the time to ask lots of questions. I have the answers you need to make an informed decision. There are so many options out there that often cause people to focus on finding the lowest possible rate, and figure that’s the best route to the best mortgage.

Not so. Rate is only one feature in any mortgage – and a low rate with the wrong features could have you paying thousands of dollars extra over the life of your mortgage.

That’s why so many first-time home buyers tend to seek out a mortgage professional for advice; they are thinking hard about this big financial decision, and are very savvy about seeking out their options.  I work with first time home buyers all the time, and I have VIP access to dozens of lenders so I can find a mortgage tailored to your needs, with the right balance of rate and features to suit your situation.

While it’s important to be prudent, some first time home buyers can be a bit too cautious. I can assess your situation to help you determine if it’s the perfect time to jump in, and can pre-approve you before you start shopping for a home.

Don’t hesitate, Call us today!


Here are some great resources for the first time home buyer:


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