Published On: January 14th, 2016

Did you know that just like your car or your home, you can benefit from a seasonal mortgage tune up!  Your car gets taken in for regular servicing to keep it running for the long term, shouldn’t your financial future get the same kind of attention?

Here are seven common signs you need a mortgage tune up:

  1. You are locked in at a higher rate than you could get today – and you want a professional opinion on your options;
  2. You’re thinking about moving to a new home this year – or pondering buying an investment property;
  3. You’re carrying more than $25,000 in high-interest loans or credit cards and it’s affecting your cash flow;
  4. There’s a renovation or home repair project coming up this year – either by choice or necessity;
  5. An investment or business opportunity is available – and you wish you could take advantage;
  6. There’s a large expense looming – tuition, wedding – and you want to plan ahead; and,
  7. Your mortgage is up for renewal this year.

If you haven’t had a mortgage review in the last year – or if you recognize one of the signs that it’s time for a mortgage tune up – then get in touch. And if you know someone who could also benefit: consider this a coupon for a free inspection for a friend or family member! A mortgage in tip-top condition is the best way to get you where you’re going in your financial future!


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